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Dream Log - Feb. 1, 2004

February 1, 2004

Two dreams of seperate content last night.
The first involved me asking some girl that I didn't know well on a date to the mall. I never go to the mall, don't ask me why. Anyway, I remember wondering what she'd look like and then wondering what she was wondering about what I looked like. I sat at a little fountain thingy and eventually she showed up. It was clear she was looking for someone (presumably me) and when I asked her if she was, she nervously claimed she was trying to find her aunt and left. Feeling slightly stupid since I was pretty sure that was her, I sat again. She returned some minutes later to appologise for before and then we went walking around the mall. I don't really recall the rest of the dream. I remember that we were having good conversation but I don't recall about what. End dream,
The second was a little more obscure. It started out on a beach somewhere. There was a large jetty of rocks farther down the beach with a cliff overlooking it. A girl sat on one of the rocks in some sort of mental trouble. A crowd of people had gathered where I was and they were watching her. Sarah shows up and is the only one brave enough to go over and speak to the girl. She returns sucsessfully, but without the girl. Then, as if we had all blinked at once, the girl was no longer on the rocks but sitting on the cliff with a person in a purple robe and long, curly silver hair. Their backs were to the crowd. Another blink and they were gone. There's a lot of time between this point and the next point I remember. I don't remember anything in the middle. Anyway, we (Sarah, myself and Wyn - what a strange combination) ended up in a house similar to my grandmother's and for the moment, Wyn goes somewhere else. As we try and get to sleep, strange religious things start happening. One of the stranger things I've seen in my dreams is here. First, an image of mary appears in the mirror, drawn in blood. Even stranger, it's eyes follow you around the room. Creeeeeepy. Next, other children that live in the house get random pooling of blood in their palms. There was something else that had to do with the fact that I wanted to play some pool and Sarah claimed that 'it' didn't want me to. She kept telling me about this word she was hearing, she couldn't understand all of it but it started with Um_____. That was more than enough for me. We got our stuff together and left, I grabbed Wyn on the way out and as we reached the front porch, we looked back because Sarah had shouted my name. It was in a happy way rather than a plea for help. Anyway, behind the house was a tree that was tall enough to see over the house and in it were two people. The person with the silver hair and Sarah, both sitting with their backs to us. Another blink and they were gone.

It was strange.


It's going to take a month to decipher that one!

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Nick O'Neill






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