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July 12, 2005

I've been having some really strange emotional highs and lows recently and all attempts to pinpoint the cause of it have come up with nothing. I stopped drinking coke during the work day about a week and a half ago because it was ruining my ability to focus later on in the day but I don't think that's the culprit. I had only been having a coke once a day at most and I don't recall having any kind of problems (other than with my teeth) when I stopped drinking it a couple months ago.
It's really been a daily coin flip if I'm going to have a good day or not. I'll feel great all day but have crappy luck and things won't ever go my way. Then I'll have a day where everything goes right but I feel self-concious and crappy all day. I can't come up with any kind of reasoning behind it.

I hate things that defy all the logic I throw at it.


Oh my god! I totally know exactly what you mean. The worst is waking up and feeling like it's going to be a great day only to have everything go terribly wrong. I've been mood swing central over here. Glad to know it's not just me ;). In other news, how the heck are you? I miss you!! I saw your dad at Live8, but was pretty drunk and most likely embarrassed myself completely. Story of my life...Hope everything's going well!! xoxox, Frankie

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Nick O'Neill






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