About Me
April 4, 2006
My own about page has been through a number of revisions over the past couple years and it might finally be at a place where it has equal parts of keeping-itself-updated and being-hands-off. Check it out, really. It's just the shortest short blurb about me and what I do and then a series of dynamic data taken from feeds and APIs all over the web. I have my most recent flickr photos (from their very own javascript code), my wishlist items from amazon (thanks to MTAmazon) and the top couple movies from my netflix queue (courtesy a feed from netflix and little tweaking in magpie). Add that to the del.icio.us links that fill the sidebar on every page and you have a good at-a-glance picture of what I'm working on, watching and wanting on the web right now. And I don't have to touch it unless I want to add more information to it.
I was thinking about this whole I-have-profiles-in-a-million-places muck while I was playing with ExtraTasty, easily in the top ten for most innovative web apps today. Since you can friend others on ExtraTasty you need some sort of profile page. You'll get a chance to fill out the basic profile information but they'll also give you a chance to fill in your del.icio.us and flickr usernames as well as your blog feed url. Suddently your ExtraTasty profile page has all this information relevant to you and you only just signed up for ExtraTasty five minutes ago. Brilliant.
Finally, a plea; Dearest audioscrobbler, please give me some way to pick up group or album photos from data in your feeds. I want to display my top artists for the week but they're without pictures! What fun is that, really?
That is a fantastic idea for a profile page.
If ExtraTasty offers a feed you could add another section called "I Drink"
Posted by: Jamison
April 4, 2006 5:26 PM
Couldn't you use MTAmazon with last.fm too, for pictures?
Posted by: markpasc
April 5, 2006 9:34 AM
Jamison - I need to add more items to my bar (both in real life and ExtraTasty) before I advertise my new and interesting drinks.
Mark - I think they're backwards. MT tags are probably evaluated before any of the php stuff on the page is run.
Posted by: Nick
April 5, 2006 11:25 AM