Lazyweb: Sync Two iTunes Libraries
April 14, 2006
Listen up lazyweb, it's dilemma time.
I maintain two seperate iTunes libraries; one at home and one at work. I find new music both at home and at work and I rate things at home and at work. I want these two libraries to sync themselves automagically over .mac, ftp, whatever. No, an iPod does not solve the problem. I want to be able to share music through iTunes in both locations. Disk space on either machine isn't an issue so tracks that exist on one machine should be copied to the other and ratings sync'd on tracks that exist in both places (most recent rating being more important). From what I've looked in to, this should be mostly doable with applescript.
Update: There's a cross-platform app called syncOtunes that seems to do some comparing and syncing (via applescript - does it only sync one way?). But no rating sharing and it doesn't seem very polished.
Haha! I've wanted the same thing for a while now...and with iCal, too! The tragedies of me not being smart enough to program. Aw, hell.
btw, I'm assuming you've heard of dorkbot? One of the professors in the Computer Music Center at CU is heading that...a bunch of geeks getting together about hacks and robots and stuff. Maybe you can start a chapter in S.F. if one hasn't already been started?
Other exciting news: I get to take tons of classes at the CMC next year! Dorkness!
Posted by: am00se
April 27, 2006 11:09 PM