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Review: The Italian Job

August 6, 2003

So I went out with Tom last night to see The Italian Job.
First of all, I had heard some good and bad things about the movie. I wasn't sure what to expect. I forgot my glasses too. I don't need glasses to see but I need them to see details. It wasn't so much of a problem.

The movie: I enjoyed the movie in a very Ocean's Eleven kind of way. It was action but they didn't shoot a whole lot of people and it was a lot of planning and spying and stealing. Better than random killing in my opinion.
The music was great. Some of the lines/scenes were a little cheesy but you just kinda have to expect that these days. The plot was good, the cinematography was exceptional at times but uninspired mostly.
The important stuff:
Seth Green as the computer-guy. He was fine. I had a little trouble with the jokes they made at his technical references throughout the movie. Naturally, like every movie, he h4x0r3d with a completely clean GUI that transfered over to whatever he was doing. I've come to expect that as well. I half expected him to just take some lines right from 'Hackers' after he started breaking in to the traffic light system.

Over all a 4/5 stars because I really enjoy the creatively-stealing-things plots. Ms. Theron wasn't bad either.

Nick O'Neill






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