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IE Rant

November 26, 2003

I hate internet explorer.
Hate. Hate. Hate.

Again, I'm designing a website and it's showing up as I expected in Mozilla but I'm obviously going to get hits from people with internet explorer so it has to look good for them too. IT LOOKS TERRIBLE IN INTERNET EXPLORER. Not only does it COMPLETELY IGNORE a good deal of my CSS but I can declare a cell in a table as having height of "0" and IT STILL SHOWS UP.

Dear Internet Explorer,
What's up with your definition of a pixel and WHY DOES IT VARY FROM EVERYONE ELSES'?


Fuck Internet Explorer. Fuck it with a wooden spoon.


you and me babe, you and me.

what was the problem with? boxes?

IE is just pure evil. I designed a site that I'm rolling out this next week for a non-profit here in NYC. looked fab in Safari. validated the CSS and HTML. looked like absolute CRAP in IE for both WIN and MAC. So I change it for WIN knowing that more people coming to the site use the stupid browser/OS combo. Took me two weeks of hacking the CSS to optimize it for the MAC.

MS is pure evil. EVIL!

Some pixels I guess are just more uber-ish.

The problem lies on this section of page I was working on:


Check it out in IE and in Mozilla, you'll see the difference.

do you mind posting the CSS?
i'm mystified now about this.

Beleive it or not, this problem has nothing to do with the CSS. It's just issues with the way they do tables. I've had way too many CSS issues though. I might redo it in CSS and see if that works better than tables. I've been using a combination of the two for too long.

Wooden spoon, eh? Ouch....double ouch...


Funny you should mention that...my old family friend Stefan showed me a site he made using css, and IE fucked it all up, just like it did with your site...maybe you guys can meet up and commisserate over the fact (-:

Yeah. IE sucks. What really pisses me off almost more than than shitty CSS support is that it doesn't properly support alpha-transparent images. You have to perform some nasty IE specific shit for even palette-transparency to work with a PNG file. Which leaves us in the bad old days of having to use "transparent" GIF images. Argh!

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Nick O'Neill






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