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You will be safe...

December 20, 2003

I completely forgot to blog last night.
Anyways, around 7 I went out with M'ris go ice skating with Em, Becca, Dan and two Johns I didn't know. Of course, I was a little worried because I've been with M'ris' friends before and there are occasions that I'm not too comforable around them for reasons I really don't know. Either way, things went well. I could be myself and best of all; skating was fun! I haven't been skating in way too long and I wasn't half bad, I didn't think.

Anyway, that was fun. I'm looking for just as much fun today...


because often times my friends can be scary and indimidating, even though they don't mean do be. skating was awesome, though next time we rollerblade. my thighs hurt. i should exercise more. or less. one of those.

and it's ok, i don't really know the johns either. i know that they date my girls and they make me unconformtable. i get on a plan in half an hour, and i half showered since (i won't say when. it's been a long time.)!!!!!

And why oh why are we hanging with Johns?!?

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Nick O'Neill






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