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Apple-y Goodness!

April 28, 2004

Good news for all you iTune-ers and iPod-ers! iTunes 4.5 came out today which boasts a good deal of new features on iTunes as well as the iTMS. There are reviews at the Unofficial Apple Weblog and eclecticism. Also available is an iPod update to handle these changes (requires a restart on a PC but then again, doesn't everything?).

-edit- As per Derek's article, Mac users can skip to a songs album by option-clicking the new arrows next to a song. Option-clicking the artist name takes you to all of the artists songs. The same effect can be acheived by shift-clicking in the PC version.


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» Out of Tune from Derek Powazek
I'm a randomizer. Back when my music came on small reflective circles, my favorite thing to do was load up the 5-disc changer with CDs from totally disparate genres and hit the shuffle button. Hours of tunes, bouncing between styles.... [Read More]


A big woot on that. Having played with it, I positively love it. I'm trying to piece together the perfect playlist for iMix.

I was up late trying to get my free song last night. Looks like the Apple Servers were getting bombarded. Oh yeah, thanks Apple for releasing an update to my 2nd gen iPod that wont apply the update.

Now i have to sit and wait for them to fix the err of their ways but hey, they are giving away music. I can't be to angry at them.

Just found this solution for the Option-Click issue with iTunes 4.5.

Modify the iTunes 4.5 link arrows' behavior

A solution! For mac users at least...

For PC users, there is no registry value with that name nor if one is created and set to '0' or '1' will that effect behavior.

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Nick O'Neill






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