Some Summer Bits
July 21, 2004
We're in those boring days of summer. I'm still waiting on return this-and-that from Apple about a potential job but it seems as though everything moves at a snails pace, at least externally. We can do nothing but hope for the best at the moment. I've been overruled by internal promotions twice now and I'm starting to think that there really is no way to actually get in the company. They're just constantly switching ten people in to every position they have. I've been keeping fairly busy with freelance work and my constant inattention to the content management support company I'm building but I still find the time to sit back and and hate where I am at the moment.
I still feel very strongly against the way college is being taught (for myself, at least) but I find myself wanting the little things that I had when I was at least partially independant. It seems as though a good job and a place of my own is my answer but both of them are so near and yet so far away. Even so, my goal is the other coast and I can't even say if I'm getting closer or farther away from that. It feels very familar, although from a different point of view, to say that Philadelphia doesn't interest me anymore. I can't really put my finger on what it might be attributed to either. In many ways, I only feel comfortable in a place that I know but when I get too comfortable in a place, I get restless and I need to explore and learn something new (and be proud) about where I am. Tiny suburbs don't exactly scream "Explore me!"
Until I get some more mobility (on a local as well as global(?) scale), I'll be here trying to figure out how to make this company a legal entity (not as soon as possible, as soon as it's important), working on freelance design and waiting, waiting, waiting for a really great call from someone at Apple. Shoot me an email if you want to chat, I like email :)
As always I wish you good luck with your "Journey". Some company out there will recognize your talent.
Posted by: Steve Pearson | July 21, 2004 7:51 PM
I couldn't agree more about the *getting tired of east coast suburbia* thing. I know I've wished you well so many times before, but keep your chin up. And if you ever find yourself craving the other coast so badly, just remember that there's an apartment in Portland [well, as of September] just waiting to welcome you [I know, I know, I shouldn't tempt you].
Posted by: Hopeless Romantique | July 21, 2004 8:54 PM
Ah... Portland. Spent many weeks during second half of last year on business and was able to explore it a bit. Of course I can't compare Portland against Manhattan but being a city person (born and bred in cities) myself I can't help but think how long Portland can hold my attention.
As for the job thing, it will happen. The most 'difficult' part is actually getting your first job. Once you get that, it's easier from that onward.
Posted by: Alex Hung
July 21, 2004 10:59 PM
These comments don't have nearly enough line-height. I'd fix it right now but I have a habit of leaving a project to fix something on another and not going back to the first.
This is the comment that's supposed to remind me that you still want a new stylesheet, right Alex?
Posted by: authgeek
July 21, 2004 11:17 PM
If you ever need anything patented, I work at a patent office and can hook you up with an patent attorney!
Posted by: beetlebum | July 24, 2004 5:24 PM
New blog design will be nice :) Though no hurry at all...
I have couple of friends who are patent attorney so you will have plenty to choose from!
Posted by: Alex Hung
July 24, 2004 7:54 PM