The Bourne Supremacy
July 24, 2004
Amazingly, I've been out a few times this week, often just hanging out with a friend of mine who's house sitting but plans were made to see The Bourne Supremacy last night much to my delight.
We were going to hit the 9.15 PM show and I didn't have a ticket yet. Seeing as I'm dying to get out for any reason whatsoever, I left an hour early for a theater that's 5 minutes from my house and purchased a ticket before they sold out. I then returned to the car where I had a good time observing people coming in and out of the theater while listening to my iPod (Blue Man Group - Audio) and reading (Speaker for the Dead, again). I wish there were more places close to me that I could go to and sit and read and watch people pass on their way to this and that. Or perhaps I just need to revaluate the places that I already know.
When you go to the movies with some of the funniest people you know, you almost expect to laugh through some of the less interesting parts but I was too busy trying to peice together how I thought things were going to turn out through most of the movie. I'll admit, I pointed and swooned when Julia Stiles came on screen but other than that, I didn't make a ruckus! The movie itself was pretty good. I've been reading reviews here and there about the new director and what he did differently but I was pretty engrossed in the plot to notice much about his style. One thing I kept in mind was the ability to extend the plot in to the next movie which I assume will be coming out eventually. The expected plot for the next movie is only hinted at right near the end of the film. What struck me most after I had a moment to think about this film as the middle member of a three-part series was the seperation of Bourne's motive for roughly the entire movie as revenge (you can watch it and find out why) rather than figuring out who he really is, like in the first film. Needless to say, he doesn't really have much else to focus on for the third film so I hope to see that motive return.
One last note for all of the Run Lola Run fans - Franka Potente is terrible in this movie. I don't recall how she was at the end of the first movie but we're all pretty glad to see her leave Jason Bourne for another woman in the second film. Yes, that was utter bullshit to conceal the plot.
Saw Bourne Supremacy last night as well. I think the movie is ok overall but I expect it to have more spy-action sequence. I love it when Bourne is one step ahead of everyone and in this movie there are only couple of places that he was. The rest he was just running away, trying to stay ahead.
Posted by: Alex Hung
July 24, 2004 7:57 PM
Oh, and good choice of music! I love the BMP but I think 'The Complex' is much better album than 'Audio'.
Posted by: Alex Hung
July 24, 2004 7:58 PM
I picked up a song from The Complex when I had free iTunes songs - it was 'I Feel Love' and I quite like it. Perhaps I'll seek out the rest of the CD soon.
I'm currently trying to get through the new Wilco CD. There are a few songs that I like but I'm not a fan of the entire thing. Yet, at least.
Posted by: authgeek
July 24, 2004 8:03 PM
I too was mildly disappointed by the entire focus on revenge in Supremacy vs. Identity. However, I suppose that kind of defines his sovereignty, so to speak, over the rest of the silly Treadstone people chasing him, going along with the supremacy thing. The two together will, I'm sure, go smoothly into the 3rd, the ultimatum. I can see the progression going nicely.
I'm hoping the third ties as nicely as it ought to, otherwise it will be another silly string of movies where they should have quit after the first one. However, perhaps I would feel differently if I actually read the books.
Posted by: jennifer c. | July 27, 2004 2:42 AM