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Winter in California

December 3, 2004

The San Francisco area has enviable temperature ranges, that's for sure. Weather.com gives monthly averages for Palo Alto and I can't really believe what I'm seeing. It's been on the low side of those averages recently (35 at night and mid 50s during the day) and it's still quite bearable. I had my winter coat sent out here but I don't think I could use it on a day-to-day basis. At any rate, it supposedly gets warmer (on average) by the time February rolls around which isn't really true near Philadelphia (or at least, it doesn't feel like it).

For whatever reason, I feel like it's the holiday season. This might seem pretty regular to you but I've never just had that feeling, it's always just been a product of the fact that I'm being thrown holiday adverts everywhere I go. I'm sure it's somehow tied to the fact that I actually have a regular job and I get out on an (almost) daily basis. Yes, somehow that contributes to my holiday spirit. I think this is what the holiday season is supposed to feel like. It's cold enough to know it's winter but it's not really uncomfortably cold.

Lastly in the holiday category is a new 26 Things project! Hopefully I'll write some of these down and compile them in a flickr set. The flickr album is growing by the day although I had some trouble emailing from my phone earlier today. I kinda want to get a real camera eventually but I don't want to carry around any more gadgets if I can help it. I treated myself to another *ahem* gadget earlier today and it should be here early next week. At least I have a bag to carry all these things in!


Well, we like the cold here, so there! You turn into a pansy Californian who can't take the cold and I'll...I'll send you some Omaha Steaks packed in dry ice! Just be warned...

No! Not the Omaha Steak treatment! That's too cruel. But the dry ice is kinda fun.

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Nick O'Neill






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