Chortles and Snorts denies it
April 11, 2005
In January of 2003...
- Chortles and Snorts pirst fosted in the new year
- Chortles and Snorts Hap Pyne Wye Ar'd
- Chortles and Snorts lived through 01.02.03
- Chortles and Snorts poked fun at Tom's whiney girlfriend
- Chortles and Snorts mostly ignored Madeline's posts
- Chortles and Snorts complained about parents
- Chortles and Snorts asked if it could interest you in a fish sandwich
- Chortles and Snorts quoted Prince
- Chortles and Snorts refused the notion of having more countdowns
- Chortles and Snorts made the stunning notion that Tom is, in fact, really lewd
- Chortles and Snorts defined lewd just in case you weren't aware of the definition
- Chortles and Snorts had go-go dancing for Nick's return to the internet
- Chortles and Snorts loved cryptic posts about Tom's whiney girlfriend
- Chortles and Snorts changed the color of snowflakes
- Chortles and Snorts posted from studyhall
- Chortles and Snorts complained about claims of worthlessness
- Chortles and Snorts quoted BeOS' fortune command
- Chortles and Snorts wafna'd
- Chortles and Snorts oOoo'd
- Chortles and Snorts crashed Physio class
- Chortles and Snorts pretended it was just a big blog orgy
- Chortles and Snorts talked to people it didn't know online
- Chortles and Snorts pulled a muscle on it's big toe
- Chortles and Snorts figured out hex colors
- Chortles and Snorts had glittens
- Chortles and Snorts dragged Tom to lunch
- Chortles and Snorts got dragged to lunch
- Chortles and Snorts watched it snow boobs
- Chortles and Snorts denies it
- Chortles and Snorts asks about CSS
Fair warning before following that link: a community blog from highschool. 'nuff said.
Oh chortles. I miss it. It would have been a nice thing to keep up when all of us went our separate ways, so we could have all kept in touch. But at least I still troll everyone's blogs.
Posted by: beetlebum
April 25, 2005 11:05 PM