Watch This Movie
April 24, 2005
Okay. Go to netflix now.
Search for 'Primer' and add the first result to the top of your queue. Do it.
If you're a fan of getting your ass kicked like it was the first time you saw The Matrix, you'll want to watch this movie right away. Primer is a movie about two guys that are desperate to get VC funding for some new and different engineering project and end up with a device that spits things out aged a couple hours longer than should normally occur. In barely an hour and a half, the movie deals with an amazing amount of material on what happens *after* you discover that you can manipulate time. Strangely, a lot of questions are left directly unanswered (like what they were trying to create in the first place) and although you notice them at the time, the movie doesn't feel like it's missing anything by the time it's over. It's the only movie I've ever regretted sealing up and sending back to netflix.