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January 15, 2006

I always leave for any kind of vacation with the best of intentions. I bring a book, new music, ideas to write about and anything else portable that I haven't had time for over the past couple months. Unfortunately, I end up with more independant, productive time on a regular workweek than I ever have on a "vacation" back to Philly. I don't know why I didn't realize that before now. The strange part of it all was that I've never been a huge fan of traveling to someplace new for vacation. I always enjoyed spending time with the people I knew in the places we've always been. Now I feel something that wants to go out and find something new on my next vacation. No idea where or when yet.


It's true - I always get so much more done when my work schedule is normal.

As for travel, I highly recommend: Bermuda, Las Vegas, Paris (my personal fav), not Ohio, Belgium, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, any national forest, Chicago, not Houston, NYC (and you can stay for free), any part of Maine, Bennington, VT, not Trenton, Boston and London.

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Nick O'Neill






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