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Goodnight Philadelphia

October 7, 2004

This feels so much more permanent than moving to college did - and I guess it should because, quite frankly, it is. In just 7 short hours, I'll be on a plane headed for San Francisco again. Maybe I should get some sleep between then and now.


Good luck out there on the West Coast, man. It's gotta beat "Filthydelphia", that's for sure..

Remember Nick, San Fransico will be that much cooler if you take to calling it "the Yay." Trust me on this one.

Good luck and kick ass!

Good luck on the west coast! San Francisco's one of my favorite cities for visiting; I imagine living there would be such a tremendous adventure.

Okay, I want to know why it's called The Yay. The only sort-of reference I can find on google is to the yes vote for same sex marriage, would that be it?

No, Holly's weird friend for some reason calls it The Yay. Care to enlighten us, Holly? In any case, it's a good nickname, sorta like "yay!" to be there, neh?

and for you, my dear Nick: w00t w00t W007!

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Nick O'Neill






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